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28-year-old woman seeking for a man 29-35 –single- I need a Man with Christian Background- Serious

General information

My name is Zinhle and I live in Polokwane. Yes am still single woman seeking because school always kept me busy. Marriage was not a rush for me but it’s now high time I get married too. I am making my own money and buying my own staff with my salary. This is assurance I won’t depend on you for anything, love is what am looking for.

Apart from the above, I am a loving lady who is dedicated to what she does. I will be committed and loyal to our relationship. Can’t wait to have a child and shower both of you with my love. During my spare time I read novels, but when you come we’ll go out on tours.


Thick and medium in height. Light in complexion and pink lips. A piercing on my nose and dimples on my face. I got braces but I still look good in them. Any type of outfit suits me, as long as it’s in my size. To add on to the above woman seeking men have grown big in number by so doing I have to be better

What I am Looking for 

A well presented man whom I am even proud to walk with in public because of his smartness. Alcohol I can tolerate but not too much of it. I want a man I can start a family with, one who does not have any kids outside. Someone who will respect me as a wife.

 How to contact woman seeking men

Send me a message on my whatsapp now and I will reply you instantly. If you want to meet first I will send you my address through the phone. My whatsapp number is +263 772 874 7868

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